I began "spying" on Charles Schwab by photographing their offices in Berkeley and posting them on my blog, In my Charles Spy diguise, I would lurk about the offices and try to determine what kind of business took place in the office. I applied for a credit card and received a free ipod. Shortly after going live on my website, I received a call from my web service provider, who informed me that my site had caught the attention of the legal team at Charles Schwab, who had concerns regarding copyright and trademark infringement. Worried about a potential lawsuit, I contacted Bay Area Legal Aid for artists. I learned that I would need to further conceal my project in order to continue it. I changed the name of my website to, and continued to photograph, write about, and otherwise "spy" on the organization. In 2008, my domain registration was purchased by what appears to be a Japanese investment company.










I initiated this project as an artist in residence for the Experimental Media Arts program at Stanford University, in 2005. Photos, letters, and a video from this project were exhibited at 21 Grand in Oakland, CA, in 2007 as well as at Lui Velasquez Gallery in Tijuana, in 2008.