Private Property






Something very exciting happened today. I got my own mail from CS. Inside was my new CS credit card. It has a $5080.00 credit limit. Maybe I should buy a getaway car.


I left my laptop at home today and missed it terribly. I had nowhere to write down my expenditures and I couldn’t update my site. How suddenly it has become a necessary accessory. Like a very heavy wallet.


The presentation this evening went well. I was worried something embarrassing would happen, like I would spill my drink or my laptop wouldn’t project. I always like it when speakers start off with a story about who they are. But I didn’t have any old photos of me or my family. So instead I found Pittsburgh on the msnearthmap and zoomed in to the Elgin house. I could actually see the grey smudge which was the house, awesome. I talked about how I used to walk up to the reservoir all the time and sit on the edge looking at the water. It had to do with growing up and wanting to escape and be in my own space. The satellite photos are from 2003 so I explained that I could be in that photo somewhere, very small and blurry.

Then I pulled up some photos from the show at Works and talked about what it meant to me to make art about the office. In my proposal for the residency I stated that I wanted to take photos of Charles Schwab’s office and create a blog that would act like a record of events. By letting the general public keep track of what I was doing, I hoped to ensure that I would get the work done. I hadn’t planned on the blog turning into an entire website. And I really didn’t expect CS to care enough about what I was doing to make a call. My spying started out on the street but quickly turned into a study of their online identity, which is made up of layouts and logos. I had to learn how to study and mimic them without copying or infringing upon their trademark.

The result of all these elements is my site. It does in fact contain photos of the office, and it does contain a blog which keeps track of my thoughts and efforts. But rather than flaunting these activities in the face of CS, it is trying to hide beneath their notice. Several messages of doom are hidden throughout the site for those who know what to look for. I figure that CS has all my info now and will be checking up on me regularly. All I have to do is keep my nose clean and I should be OK. So I plan to continue to spy as well as be spied upon.

The brilliant students had some really good questions. One was about the idea of an accomplice, whose presence is obvious from the photos of Charles but whose identity is not revealed. Maybe I should do some recruiting for people who enjoy cushy stakeouts. Another suggestion was that I look at the global identity of CS, who after all has offices in HongKong. It might be worth applying for an international espionage travel grant. Another question was about the prints of the photos, which are large and glossy. They appear to be bound for a gallery, so where does that leave the website? Maybe the prints can act as pointers to the website, and vice-versa. Since they are such different venues. Unless I want to plop a laptop in a gallery and let people surf from there.


I applied today for a CS VISA card. It would be fun just to have the card, but it comes with a free ipod shuffle and who can resist that? I’ll be podcasting before you know it, me and Mr. Curry. I wonder who would subscribe to hear the latest recordings of zippers and buses. Charles doesn’t have much of a credit line, but he’ll be able to use the card.