



Private Property









Friday afternoon I received a volley of emails regarding my website from my provider, Laughing Squid. After some initial confusion about junkmail and disconnected phones, I found out that the Charles Schwab legal department had contacted Rackspace which had contacted Laughing Squid which had contacted me about the “possibility of copyright infringement.” This completely freaked me out and I’ve been trying to figure out what exactly the issues are and how I can appropriately respond to them. The first thing to determine is how much trouble I am in. This in not yet a lawsuit, or even a cease and desist order. This is simply an inquiry, which doubles as a threat of further procedures. Basically, Charles Schwab is hoping that the web service provider will talk me into dropping the site. They want to know what the situation is by Monday.

I am flattered in a bizarre way by the attention, because I really did not imagine that such a huge corporation would ever notice my little blog, or care about it. But at the same time it is scary because I am just one individual artist and obviously don’t have the legal or financial resources to go up against Charles Schwab Inc. So my first response is, Yes of course I will take the site down, I don’t want to get sued. But this is my artwork, and I do claim the right to critique our culture in its own terms. It is not a fishing site (trying to trick clients into investing in my company). This I can see would be morally wrong. It is instead a parody site, mimicking the layout and design of the schwab site in order to make a point. And I don’t want to take it down simply because Charles Schwab doesn’t like what I have to say.

So what exactly is the problem? First off, the domain name needs to go, because it is “misleading” or “confusing” although I don’t think anyone would want to invest in “charlesspyschwab”. Their other complaint is that the layout is the same (which is a lame complaint for such a generic website layout) but adds to the general confusion idea. Third is the use of specific graphics that are copyright protected so that only they can use them. I did copy a few of the cooler graphics from their site and choose portions to use in mine like quotes. But maybe I need to re-word them. I am willing to change a lot in order to avoid a copyright suit, because I am not trying to obtain one. I just figured that Charles Schwab wouldn’t care. Since they do care, and they own the copyright, I’ll have to change some things around to make it clearer that it is a parody. “” will help a lot.

The other thing I want to do is find a way to be more covert about the rest of the project. I think I can hide a lot of content under a new domain where it won’t be quite so in-their-face. But I still need to hide it. Maybe I can mask the first page so that you really have to look. And how can I change the graphics more so that they won’t be recognized.

Name change

I am really depressed about having to change the name. I don’t know why I am so attached to keeping the name of the project in use. It just seems the epitome of unfairness to have to change it. But if I change it, my chances of getting sued are much less. This process of negotiation and learning sucks. I feel like I am in the Matrix, trying to hide from the bots.


Last night I checked the messages on my home phone. I had messages piled up there since October. That is so embarrassing. One was from Intense Security Company regarding my domain name. Another was from Scott B trying to track me down about the website. Apparently they had one digit wrong in their records. Maybe over Thanksgiving I’ll read the Castle.


Today I had my consultation with P. It was full of nightmare-like images of gorillas, trailers, barbies and trashcans. I am not supposed to quote anything from our discussion because it might jeopardize something if they go after him. As a result, my vision of a legal battle is a cross between The Godfather Part 2 and The Lord of the Rings projected in a very small room. I don’t feel very empowered. BART

On the BART home, I was positive that the men sitting behind me were talking about my website. It was the Union Square Station, which is where both P and CS have their SF office. So it isn’t totally unreasonable to think that they could have been discussing it. But this is also one of those things that falls into the category of paranoia: thinking that strangers are talking about you

Coffee holder

I asked M if I could have her coffee holder. She gave it to me. Is it now my property? Can I take a picture of it and post it on the web? Is that a trademark violation? This is ridiculous. I have to learn more about this stuff.


Preliminary talk with P. He made sure to tell me that his office is actually in their SF building. Also he is an investor for CS. It just made me laugh. CS is everywhere. Even on the exit ramp I took home the other night.

I got a card

I left the recorder at home and just told myself to pay attention. I was still nervous so I stopped by a café for a bubble tea. Once inside I recognized this is the place, formerly Chinese take-out, where A and I broke the sink. Finally I ordered a two for one, which gave me, and the girl behind me, a deal. The milk teas here are super sweet and kinda cinnamony. I’d come again except for the service.

Just as I opened the door to CS, a man in a tie hung out of it, yelling “you forgot to sign!” I’m not making this up. The guy he was yelling at was just outside waiting for the bus, wearing a sweatshirt and backpack. He called back “”Just stamp it.” Tie was waving around the check. “I’ll have to ask a supervisor, you’ll need to come in.” The bus guy came back, trying to smile at me through his frustration. I was enjoying the show, and trailed them in to the front desk. A supervisor helped Tie find the stamp, and the guy left again to catch his bus.

This created a vacuum which I and my pearl tea stepped into. D- the man with the tie- introduced himself and we chatted a bit about the job. He had only been there two weeks, so there were still lots of procedural things for him to learn. He knew lots about investment, however, and brought me up to date on what my next steps should be. My checking account was good but I would soon need a savings account. It wouldn’t be worth opening an account with C-S- until I had amassed at least $2500. Then I could do the fun stuff, like trading and investing. I wanted to know if C-S- was still offering the ipod plan (get a C-S- visa and get an ipod for free.) The answer was yes and someone was even willing to find me an application. Meanwhile I asked D- if he had a business card.

D- didn’t have a card with his name on it, but he did have a stack of C-S- cards made out to someone with an MBA. He handed me one with his name and direct line on it.

that piece of paper that goes around your coffee cup

Today S came in to the office with a cup of coffee. It had a coffee cup holder that said “Talk to Chuck” on it from CS. I had one of those weird experiences where I wasn’t sure who was watching whom. I don’t think S. knows about this project. I’m surprised she would walk around with that logo on her coffee cup. For a moment I wanted to ask her for it. But it would be really weird to ask someone for the piece of paper that they are using to keep their hand from being burned by their coffee. I wonder where she got it. I’ll have to drop by the cafes in the area to see if I can get one of my own.


CLA came through with a name and number.
101 Montgomery Street 28th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Call for appointment, remind him it is a referral.

Fair use explained by the web

I decided to try to do some legal research on my own. I googled “fair use copyright” and got a nice long list of links. Both Stanford and UT have pages on this topic.
Here’s the idea: copyright restricts some usage of material (reproduction for commercial purposes). It does not protect against comment, criticism, or parody. This makes sense because these uses are protected as free speech. There is a whole other argument about reproduction for educational purposes. This seems to revolve around course packets and whether or not instructors are selling them. There are even proposed guidelines for educational multimedia works, which involves a balance of educational use and limited portions of copyrighted material.
Here is where I think I stand on the factors which determine fair use:
1. Transformative: has the material been transformed with new or added meaning? The first draft of the site was pretty direct mimicry: their layout with my added content. I am now making a point of transforming each element that I borrow so that is meaning is changed.
2. Nature of Work: Apparently there is more leeway to copy from factual sources or published sources. The CS site is both factual and published.
3. Amount and Sustainability: This seems to be where the idea of parody comes in. In order to parody CS, I do have to borrow something of the look of their site. My first draft borrowed their layout & color scheme. The current site borrows only recognizable items.
4. Effect of the use: My website is non-commercial, so it doesn’t compete with CS. My new index page points out that it is not CS and even includes a link back to CS for lost clients. All this shows I guess is that I have good intentions towards CS. This may be where the academic use of the site could be important.


I talked to C at CA lawyers. I wasn’t sure how much to say, although their website states that the more information you give, the easier it is to find a referral. I told her I was interested in speaking with a lawyer about copyright and the web. She wanted to know what my specific interest was. I told her that the datacenter of my web service provider had been contacted by a corporation about possible copyright infringement. I was hesitant, I guess, because I am embarrassed about being in trouble. She asked me, “Do you know the name of the corporation?” That made me laugh. I realized I needed to spill the story. So I explained that I am an artist and that my website is an art project which parodies CS. She wanted to know if the webiste was the project or if the photos posted on the website were the project. Well that is a hard line to draw but if I had to I would say both.

Crossing the threshold

Today I tried to get a business card. It was an important moment, crossing the threshold, but I didn’t accomplish much. Actually I kind of freaked out and left after pocketing a pamphlet. I talked to the receptionist, who seemed nice but confused. I told her I was a student and interested in getting a loan. That didn’t get much of a response, I’m not sure why. In the pamphlet it lists student loans as one of the things they offer.


Called me yesterday and left a message. I called them back today and left a message saying that I was interested in a referral on the subject of copyright and the web. Maybe I should look for another source of support.

Pretty Poni

I have been talking to my friends about the situation, and it seems like everyone knows someone who has been threatened with copyright violation. One guy had to just put a banner up on his site saying “this site is not affiliated with Walmart Inc.” A girl I heard of was a screen printer. She wanted to make pink panther Tshirts and realized that she couldn’t so instead she made Pretty Pony Tshirts. It turns out that is a violation for someone so then she ended up making Pretty Poni and that was OK. None of this seems based on either law or principle at all.


I called California Lawyers for the Arts again today. I left a message, but they didn’t call back. Maybe their database is still down.