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M Mail











Private Property

The building has signs posted all around it, sheets of 8.5x11 paper printed and stuck in the windows, saying “Private Property” and “No Trespassing.” There is a city ordinance no. quoted. I’m worried about what it means to trespass. My Episcopalian upbringing tells me that we are supposed to forgive others when they walk through our backyard. What if they just sidle up to the very edge and look over the fence? I am literally pressed up against the glass window,. Am I taking something from Charles Schwab when I take a photograph? Does he own his own image? Does he own the image of his building?

I’m pretty sure the crime would be actually entering the building. I get a little closer so I can read the sign. I find myself in the entranceway, a sort of alcove, There is less wind here. I am squatting with my camera trying to get an angle that won’t reflect back at me. It is prohibited to loiter in the entranceway. The definition of loiter is vague suddenly, recalling peddlers who potentially might stay all day asking for change. Blocking the entranceway and restricting business. Perhaps sleeping here until the office manager opens for the day.


Word of Mouth

My friends went to the Berkeley Sauna last weekend. Walking out, they saw the C S offices across the street. When they saw the building, they knew it was jort the sort of space I would be interested in. They weren't quite sure if it was a bank or Cal offices, but it was definitely empty and you could see inside. (As it turns out, the building houses several different operations, including C S, Cal admin, and the Credit Union.) I had conversations over the following week with each of them. It turned out to be a terrific lead. The Sauna, by the way, is terrible. The hottubs are all indoors and so the steam gets trapped and you feel all sweaty and claustrophobic.


It is time to set up a blog. I need to be able to hold myself accountable. More than that, I need to know that others can hold me accountable as well. All they have to do is check my blog to make sure I am doing what I am supposed to do. It is open to anyone who bothers to search the web.